Hello Blog! My first entry as a technical writter.

Hello Blog! My first entry as a technical writter.

Hashnode Technical Writing Bootcamp

"Improve your writing skills & start making money!" that was the subject of the Hashnode Technical Writting Bootcamp email I received one week ago.

For a few months, I have been thinking about starting to write about all the new things I learn every day while working as a Software Engineer. So, I took this as a excuse to finally get started (cheers! Yaay).

So now, the big question is: What should I write about?.

"You should see blogging as a tool for your learning process"

said Didi , todays speaker, during the session. That's it! That made a lot of sense to me.

I consider writing a very powerfull tool to learn something. I can say I know JavaScript, or how to use Hooks in React, but can I explain those topics to a 6 year old boy? Good question.

For me there are different levels on the learning process. First, you get new information about what you are beggining to learn. Depending on the topic or skill, it may take some time to assimilate that information. After time and practice, you can begin to master that knowledge.

It can take a long time to fully master something, but I agree that a way to speed up that process is throught teaching. When you have to explain something to another person, you have to think, not only about what you what to share or explain, but also what is the best way to structure that knowledge and communicate it. This process is pretty similar for technical writing.

This entry will probably not be the best entry you have ever seen, but I hope it can encourage someone else to start, like me, in the world of technical writing. English is not my mother tongue, but I really want to master it, so as I said before, let me use this blog to learn and start mastering some concepts. If you are participating in the Hashnode Bootcamp (and if this does not end in my drafts) I wish you all an amazing writing jorney.